Friday, January 3, 2014

Losing My Job

Yesterday was a big deal to me. With no warning my boss, aka my mother, decided to fire me. I have been working there a year! Luckily my partner had something else lined up and we were not unemployed. That is besides the point. She tells me later to forget she fired me it was only because she was in a bad mood. What kind of an employee fires someone because their day was not going their way. My mom, that is who. The same woman who will kick their 10 year old out of the house because she said she was happy her mom started cooking.

Did she apologize for either? Never!

I am the mother of her only grandchild. I rely on this job to keep a roof over his head but then again why would she care? She never kept a roof over mine. I bounced from families houses to foster homes.

At least she was a good mom to my brother. I think my getting fired has a lot to do with him. He just turned 19 Christmas day and started bartending the day after. That is in the bar my mom owns. Well since my partner, mother and I work there, there is no days for him to work. She rather him be able to pay all his DUI fines then me feed my child. Ha. Classic! So what does she do fire me so he can take over our schedule. He probably told her he did not want to work full time so instead of screwing herself and having zero employees she says oh I change my mind.

To her it was no big deal. To me well, she threaten my income and the way I take care of my child and that is a huge deal!